Data Download
About SOUND SETUP Download ................. 41
Data Downloading .......................................... 42
Setting AMP Link (Optional)
Adjusting and Storing/Recalling the External
Amplifier (Option) .................................... 42
Titling the Amplifier .................................... 43
Displaying Status of External Amplifier......... 43
External Audio Processor (Optional)
Adjustment Procedure for Dolby Surround .... 44
Setting the Speakers........................................ 44
Set MX Mode of the External Audio
Processor ................................................... 44
X-OVER Adjustment ...................................... 45
Performing Time Correction Manually (TCR) ...
Phase Switching .............................................. 46
Graphic Equalizer Adjustments ...................... 46
Parametric Equalizer Adjustments .................. 47
Setting Bass Sound Control ............................ 47
Setting Bass Compressor ............................. 47
Setting Bass Focus ....................................... 47
Speaker Setup ................................................. 48
Setting of Dolby 5.1ch .................................... 48
Adjusting the acoustic image ....................... 48
Mixing bass sound to the rear channel......... 48
Achieving powerful high volume sound ...... 49
Adjusting the speaker levels......................... 49
Adjusting the DVD Level ............................... 49
Storing Settings in the Memory ...................... 49
Getting out the Preset Memory ....................... 49
Using the Pro Logic II Mode .......................... 50
Linear PCM Setting ........................................ 50
Navigation System (Optional)
Switching the Navigation Screen (Optional) ......
Auxiliary Device (Optional)
Operating Auxiliary Devices (Optional) ......... 51
Changer (Optional)
Controlling CD Changer (Optional) ............... 52
Multi-Changer Selection (Optional) ............... 52
HDD Player Operation (Optional)
Listening to Music of HDD ............................ 53
XM Radio (Optional)
Receiving XM Channels with the XM Receiver
(Optional) .................................................. 53
Tuning in to Categorized Programs ................ 54
Changing the Display...................................... 54
Checking the XM Radio ID Number .............. 54
Storing XM Channel Presets........................... 54
Receiving Stored XM Channels...................... 54
Displaying the Category/Channel Name Title
List............................................................. 55
Selecting the Channel directly ........................ 55
MobileHubâ„¢ Link (Optional)
About MobileHubâ„¢ Link (Optional) ............. 55
Telephone Reception....................................... 56
Calling............................................................. 56
Calling by using the Speed Dial................... 56
Dial call ........................................................ 56
Calling by the address book ......................... 56
Calling by the outgoing / incoming / absent
incoming history ..................................... 56
SMS (Short Message Service) Operation ....... 57
Receiving a Short message .......................... 57
About DVDs ................................................... 57
Terminology .................................................... 58
List of Language Codes .................................. 59
List of Country Codes..................................... 60
In Case of Difficulty ....................................... 62
Specifications.................................................. 65
Installation and Connections
Precautions ............................................66
Installation ...................................................... 67
Connections (IVA-D300 Wiring Diagram) ..... 70
System Example ............................................. 72