
Ø Small, sleek, and lightweight design easily fits on your hand
Ø Enhanced algorithms -SnapLock and SnapStart provide superior navigation,
performance in urban, canyon and foliage environments
Ø For Car navigation, Marine navigation, Fleet management, AVL, Personal
navigation, Tracking System, and Mapping device application
3.1. Basic Specification
Ø ChipsetSiRF Star III chipset.
Ø Channels20 parallel satellite-tracking channels.
Ø Frequency1575.42 MHZ.
Ø ReceiverL1, C/A code.
3.2. Acquisition Time (averaged)
Ø Reacquisition0.1sec.
Ø Cold start< 42 seconds.
Ø Warm start< 38 seconds .
Ø Hot start< 1 seconds
Ø Update rate1 second continuously
3.3. Receiver Accuracy
Ø Normal5-25 meters CEP without SA
Ø Enable EGNOS or WAAS
n Position < 2.2 meters, horizontal 95% of time
n Position < 5 meters, Vertical 95% of time
Ø Velocitywithin 0.1 meters / second
Ø Time1 microsecond synchronized GPS time
3.4. Use Limitation
Ø Altitude< 18,000 meters (60,000 feet)
Ø Velocity< 736 meters / second (1000Knots)
Ø Acceleration4G
Ø Jerk20 meters / second, max