A-26 - FORM NO. 56041580 - Captor
4300, 4800, 5400 / CR 1100, 1200, 1400
The hopper dust control lter must be cleaned regularly to maintain the ef ciency of the vacuum system. Follow the recommended lter
service intervals for the longest lter life.
Wear safety glasses when cleaning the lter.
Do not puncture the paper lter.
Clean the lter in a well-ventilated area.
To remove the hopper dust control lter...
1 Lift the Hopper Cover (18) on top of the hopper. Make sure that the Hopper Cover Prop Rod (12) is in place.
2 Inspect the top of the Hopper Dust Control Filter (19) for damage. A large amount of dust on top of the lter is usually caused by a hole
in the lter or a damaged lter gasket.
3 Turn the two hold-downs to the side (one on each side at the front of the frame) to release the shaker frame, then swing the Dust Filter
Shaker Assembly (20) up and latch in place with the Shaker Assembly Latch (21).
4 Lift the Hopper Dust Control Filter (19) out of the machine.
5 Clean the lter using one of the methods below:
Method “A”
Vacuum loose dust from the lter. Then gently tap the lter against a at surface (with the dirty side down) to remove loose dust and
dirt. NOTE: Take care not to damage the metal lip which extends past the gasket.
Method “B”
Vacuum loose dust from the lter. Then blow compressed air (maximum pressure 100 psi) into the clean side of the lter (in the opposite
direction of the air ow).
Method “C”
Vacuum loose dust from the lter. Then soak the lter in warm water for 15 minutes, and then rinse it under a gentle stream of water
(maximum pressure 40 psi). Let the lter dry completely before putting it back into the machine.
6 Follow the instructions in reverse order to install the lter. If the gasket on the lter is torn or missing, it must be replaced.
Check the engine oil level when the machine is parked on a level surface and the engine is cool. Change the engine oil after the rst 35 hours of operation
and every 150 hours after that. Use any SF or SG rated oil meeting API speci cations and suited to seasonal temperatures. Refer to the Engine System
section for oil capacities and additional engine speci cations. Replace the oil lter with every oil change.
Above 60° F (15° C) SAE 10W-30
Below 60° F (15° C) SAE 5W-30
Check the engine oil level when the machine is parked on a level surface and the engine is cool. Change the engine oil after the rst 35 hours of operation
and every 150 hours after that. Use CF, CF-4 or CG-4 oil meeting API speci cations and suited temperatures (*important reference the oil/fuel type note
below for further diesel oil recommendations). Refer to the Engine System section for oil capacities and additional engine speci cations. Replace the oil
lter with every oil change.
Above 77 °F (25 °C) SAE 30 or 10W-30
32 °F to 77 °F (0 °C to 25 °C) SAE 20 or 10W-30
Below 32 °F (0 °C) SAE 10W or 10W-30
* Diesel Lubricating Oil Note:
With the emission control now in effect, the CF-4 and CG-4 lubricating oils have been developed for use of a low-sulfur fuel on-road vehicle engines.
When an off-road vehicle engine runs on a high-sulfur fuel, it is advisable to employ the CF, CD or CE lubricating oil with a high total base number. If
the CF-4 or CG-4 lubricating oil is used with a high-sulfur fuel, change the lubricating oil at shorter intervals.
• Lubricating oil recommended when a low-sulfur or high-sulfur fuel is employed.
Oil class
Low sulfur
(0.5 % )
High sulfur Remarks
O : Recommendable X : Not recommendable
revised 3/08