American-Lincoln 1-33
ATS 46/53 Battery
Do not turn the steering wheel sharply when the machine is in motion. The machine is very responsive to
movement of the steering wheel. Do not make sudden turns. Scrub in straight paths. Do not bump posts. Do
not scrape the sides of the machine.
When the machine is in motion, do not push the foot pedal all the way down. This will put a strain on drive
1. Plan your sweeping and scrubbing in advance. Try to arrange long runs with minimum stopping and
starting. Sweep debris from narrow aisles out into main aisles ahead of time. Do an entire floor or section
at one time.
2. Pick up oversize debris before sweeping.
3. Allow a few inches of overlap of sweep and scrub paths. This will eliminate leaving dirty patches.
4. Do not turn steering wheel too sharply when the machine is in motion. The machine is very responsive to
movement of the steering wheel, so avoid sudden turns.
5. Try to follow as straight a path as possible. Avoid bumping into posts or scraping the sides of the machine.
6. When placing the machine in motion, avoid slamming the directional control pedal all the way forward
quickly. This is equivalent to starting in “High” and puts needless strain on the engine and drive system.
7. Always allow the machine to warm up before operating in cold temperatures.
8. Periodically turn the sweeping broom end-over-end to prevent the bristles from “setting” in one direction.
Replace the sweeping broom when the bristles are worn to 3 inch (8cm) length. Replace disc brushes when
bristles are reduced to ½ inch (1.3 cm) in length. Replace squeegee rubbers when all usable edges have become
rounded with wear.
P4134 FIGURE 35