American-Lincoln 1 - 33
91 WS
P4563 FIGURE 22
This checklist can be preformed quickly and should be done before every use. Be sure to make all necessary
checks as listed on the Maintenance Chart as discussed earlier.
1. Check for connections for leaks.
2. Open the LP storage tank valve.
3. Check the regulator. Momentarily press the fuel primer on the regulator cover to bleed air out of the system.
4. Start the machine’s engine.
Standard D.O.T. LP fuel tank sizes have 14, 20, 33.5, and 43.5 pounds capacities. The liquid volume permitted
in these containers is less than the total volume of the cylinder. This provides for expansion of the LP fuel
should the temperature increase above the normal amounts. Excessive heat may cause the fuel to expand too
much causing the safety relief valve to vent some LP fuel, relieving internal tank pressure.
Each tank is marked showing the type of construction (liquid or vapor), the manufacturer, the date of manufac-
ture, the capacity, the weight, and the date of requalification. D.O.T. fuel tanks must be requalified (checked)
periodically, This requalification must be recorded and maintained for the life of the container.
LP fuel tanks are equipped with the following approved values and fittings:
Safety Relief Valve - This is a spring loaded valve that relieves excessive pressures which may develop in the
tank due to unusual condition.
Liquid Service Valve - Liquid is withdrawn from the tank through this valve. The LP tank may be filled though this
valve if the tank in not equipped with a filter valve.
Excessive Flow Valve - This valve is part of the Liquid Service Valve. It is mounted inside the tank and prevents
LP fuel from leaving the LP tank in the event of accidental breakage of external fittings or hoses. It permits
flow in either direction but stops outward flow if that flow becomes excessive.
Filter Valve - This valve is optional. If this valve is not present, the tank is filled through the service valve.
Liquid Level Gauge - This gauge is optional.