a echo box, phaser, or reverb.
26. MASTER VOLUME CONTROL - This slider is used to control the master output level (main
volume). To avoid distorted output try to maintain an average output signal level no greater than +4 dB.
(see Channel Gain 32) To avoid speaker damage that may be caused by excessive volume, be sure
this slider is always set to zero (completely down) before turning the unit on.
27. MASTER OUTPUT MONO/STEREO SWITCH - This switches the Master Output signal between
stereo and mono.
28. MASTER OUTPUT BALANCE CONTROL - This knob is used to control the pan, adjust how much
of the signal is sent to the left and right output level. For true stereo imaging, maintain the knob in the
12 o’ clock position.
29. MASTER VOLUME LEVEL INDICATORS - The dual LED’s indicators are used to indicate the
average master output level. The level indicators will directly reflect the MASTER VOLUME LEVEL
nels include a three-band signal EQ. These controls are used to increase or decrease the LOW’s,
MID’s, and HI’s of the output signal.
CHANNEL TREBLE CONTROL - This knob is used to adjust the treble levels of a channel
allowing for a maximum treble gain of 15dB or maximum decrease of -30dB. Turning the knob
in a counter-clockwise direction will decrease the amount of treble applied to a channel signal,
turning the knob in a clockwise direction will increase the amount of treble applied
to a channel signal.
CHANNEL MIDRANGE CONTROL - This knob is used to adjust the midrange levels of a channel
allowing for a maximum midrange gain of 15dB or maximum decrease of -30dB.
Turning the knob in a counter-clockwise direction will decrease the amount of midrange
applied to a channel signal, turning the knob in a clockwise direction will increase the amount
of midrange applied to a channel signal.
CHANNEL BASS CONTROL - This knob is used to adjust the low frequency levels of a channel
allowing for a maximum bass gain of 15dB or maximum signal decrease of -30dB. Turning the
knob in a counter-clockwise direction will decrease the amount of bass applied to a channel
signal, turning the knob in a clockwise direction will increase the amount of bass applied to
a channel signal.
31. SOURCE SELECTOR SWITCH - These switches are used to select the input source assigned to
each channel. Each channel may only be assigned one input source at a time. This switch must be in
the “phono” position for turntable operation.
32. CHANNEL GAIN CONTROL - This adjustment is used to adjust the audio source signal input gain
for a channel. Never use the gain control to adjust a channels output volume. Setting the gain level
properly will ensure a clean output signal. An improper gain level adjustment will send a distorted signal
throughout the entire audio line which may damage speakers and amplifiers. To properly set a chan-
nels the gain level control:
1. Be sure the MASTER VOLUME CONTROL (26) is set to level 8.
2. Set the CHANNEL FADER (10) to level 8.
3. Begin playback on an audio source connected to the channel you are adjusting.
4. Use the Gain Control to adjust an average output volume of +4 dB in the
©American Audio® - www.americandj.com - Commander Plus™ Instruction Manual Page 14