©American Audio® - www.americanaudio.us - M822FX Instruction Manual Page 10
projected from the left speaker only. Same goes for the control being set all the way to the right, only
from the right speaker.
BALANCE (Stereo Control) - This control lets you adjust the balance of the L/R position, of the stereo
input signal. Turning this knob to the left moves the source signal towards the MAIN MIX L bus, turning
the knob to the right sends the signal towards the MAIN MIX R bus.
7. CHANNEL KNOBS - These knobs are channel’s main level control. These knob’s control the signal
level sent from the channel to the master mixing, group outs, and effect buses. The settings of the input
channel knobs affect the mix or the sound level balance between the instruments or other sources
connected to the inputs. When a channel is not being used, the knob should be set at the minimum
position to prevent any unwanted noise added to the main signal.