©American Audio® - www.AmericanAudio.us - XSP Series - Instruction Manual Page 12
SP Series Controls and Features
increase the amount of treble applied to a channel signal.
9. 1/4” LINE OUTPUT – This is used to send the incoming line level signal from either of the
Line Level Inputs Jacks to another XSP-12P or other powered speaker.
10. XLR LINE OUTPUT – Using a XLR cable, use this port to daisy chain from your XSP-12P to
another XSP-12P or other powered speaker.
11. BASS CONTROL – This knob is used to regulate the amount bass applied to the output
signal. The maximum amount of bass gain is +12dB and the maximum amount of bass
decrease is -12dB. Turning the knob in a counter-clockwise direction will decrease the
amount of bass applied to a channel signal, turning the knob in a clockwise direction will
increase the amount of bass applied to a channel signal.
12. POWER INDICATOR LED - LED lights up to indicate the speaker is on.
13. CLIP LED - If this LED is lit it means your signal is clipping. To stop the signal from clipping
lower the volume to the point where the LED is blinking along with the bass beat.
14. AC VOLTAGE SELECTOR - This switch is used to change the operating voltage. Operat-
ing voltage can be toggled between 115v or 230v/50~60Hz. Be sure the selector is set to
the proper voltage for your area before attempting to operate the unit. Always be sure
main power is shut off before change the position of the Voltage Selector Switch.
15. MAIN POWER INLET – This connector is used to supply main power to the unit via the in-
cluded detachable power cord. The power connection uses an I.E.C. type connector, use
only a power cord that matches this type of connection. Be sure to only connect this unit to
a power outlet that matches the printed power label on the unit. Never use a power when
the ground prong has been removed or broken off. The ground prong is used to reduce the
risk of electrical shock in case of an electrical short. This cord is designed to t in one direc-
tion only. Do not attempt to force a cord if it does not t, be sure the cord is being inserted
16. FUSE HOLDER – This housing stores the 5 amp GMA protective fuse. Always replace with
the exact same type fuse, unless otherwise instructed, by an authorized American Audio®
service technician. Replacing with any other type of fuse than that of the recommended
fuse will void your unit warranty.
17. MAIN POWER SWITCH – This is the main power ON/OFF button. A green LED directly
above the power switch will glow indicating power is ON. Before main power is applied, be
sure you have made all connections to the speaker. Remember to avoid damaging pops to
the speakers, the mixer is turned on rst and turned off last. Always turn down the INPUT
VOLUME (3) before switching off the speaker. Never turn off the speaker when there is a
running signal!