The Rear Panel – Con’t.
32. FOOTSWITCH: Connect a two button footswitch to this
jack for remote Mute and EQ On/Off control. On the stereo
1/4” plug, the tip controls Mute and the ring controls EQ
On/Off. When a footswitch is connected, the Mute switch
(#3) can still be used; however, the EQ switch (#12) is dis-
33. BIAMP HIGH/LOW OUTPUTS: When using the amplifi-
er in the biamp mode, the Biamp High Out jack carries the
high frequency signal and the Biamp Low Out jack carries
the low frequency signal. (See pages 8 and 9.)
34. LINE OUT LEVEL: This controls the strength of the sig-
nal at the Line Out jacks (#37,38) and works independently
from the Master control (#14).
35. LINE OUT PRE/POST SWITCH: The signal at the Line
Out jacks can be set to either Pre or Post EQ with this switch.
With the switch in the OUT position, the signal at the jacks
will be Pre-EQ. This is a direct output not affected by any
preamp tone settings. With the switch IN, the signal is Post-
EQ and is controlled and modified by the tone controls,
Graphic EQ and the effects loop.
36. LINE OUT GROUND LIFT: This switch disconnects the
ground pin of the line Out XLR jack (#37), which may help
reduce residual hum and buzz sometimes picked up in line
out signal cables. The ground is lifted when the switch is
37,38. LINE OUT JACKS: These jacks supply a pre-Master,
line level signal for connection to a house mixing board,
recording console or external amplifier(s). The XLR-type jack
(#37) provides a balanced signal; the 1/4” jack (#38) pro-
vides an unbalanced signal. The signal level at these jacks is
controlled by the Line Out Level control (#34) and is gov-
erned by the Pre/Post switch (#35).
39. EFFECTS LOOP RETURN: When using external
effects, connect the effect’s output into this jack using a
shielded instrument cable.
40. EFFECTS LOOP SEND: When using an external signal
processor, connect this jack to the input of the effect using a
shielded instrument cable.
41. TUNER OUT: This jack is provided for connection to an
electronic tuner and is always “live,” even when the Mute
switch (#3) is engaged, allowing for “silent tuning” as well as
a monitor feed which remains active when the house mix is