
Lube Service Lube Quantity Andrew
Point Parts to be Lubricated Action Frequency Type Type /Points Number
1 Elevation jackscrew housing Lubricate Every 3 Pressure SHC32 1 49208
months Fitting
2 Elevation gear motor housing Inspect Monthly Pipe Plugs SHC624 10 ounces 47497
fill and drain
Change Every 3
3 Azimuth jackscrew housing Lubricate Every 3 Pressure SHC32 2 49208
months Fitting
4 Azimuth jackscrew gear Inspect Monthly Pipe Plugs SHC624 10 ounces 47497
housing fill and drain
Change Every 3
5 Panning frame tube assembly Lubricate Every 3 Brush Lightning Surface 207912
and thrust pads months On Lubricant Coverage
Table 5-1: Antenna Lubrication Chart
Inspection requires checking for visible signs of oil leakage, draining, replacing, and
adding oil to ensure appropriate oil level requirements. Excessively dirty oil will require
fresh oil replacement. If oil leakage is found to be excessive, refer to appropriate trou-
bleshooting information and perform applicable corrective action. Periodic inspection
procedures can be less frequent after first or second scheduled inspections.
Initial oil change requirements include flushing gear boxes with a standard cleaning
Preventive Maintenance