Screw the telescoping tube into its base and the microphone clip onto the tube.
Position the clip vertically. Connect the USB microphone cable to the microphone and
slide the microphone into the clip.
During measurement the microphone must point straight up. The microphone’s height
is critical to proper measurement and should be at ear level when seated. Ideally, the
front speakers’ high-frequency drivers should be at approximately the same height as
the listener’s ears but if they aren’t and the result sounds dull or bright, microphone
height will have to be adjusted and measurements repeated.
To adjust the length of the telescoping tube, first loosen its clamp by rotating it
Five listening area positions are normally measured but this number can be increased
up to ten. The first must be at or just in front of the central seating position. This is also
used to set Speaker Calibration levels. Positions 2 and 3 should be symmetric to the left
and the right of the center line, and the same applies to the remaining positions. If your
room has less than five seating positions, measurements must still be taken from five
positions at least 2 feet (70 cm) apart to ensure optimal sound.
• Connect the microphone and the processor to the computer.
• Set the microphone in the first position. Don’t stand near the microphone while
sweep tones are playing otherwise reflections from your body may cause bad
• Run Anthem Room Correction from the Start Menu or through its Desktop shortcut.
The program will guide you through the remaining steps and at the end will load the
correction data to your processor. The process takes about 10 minutes depending
on the number of measurements.
• Up to 16 characters may be used to name a measurement. Additional characters
will be removed.
• Valid characters are: a-z, A-Z, 0-9, “ “, “-”, “.”, “:”, “;”, “<”, “=”, “>”, “?”, and “@”.
Other characters will be removed from the ARC upload name.
• Once the ARC program is finished, you can disconnect the computer. Turn on the
processor and set “Room EQ:” On/Off in the Source Setup menu according to each
source. If you made measurements for a Music configuration, assign Bass Manager
• Save your settings in the Save / Load Settings menu.
If speaker positioning, particularly
for the sub, is flexible you can
try this before running ARC.
Alternatively you can start with
a full measurement and then
see whether it’s necessary to
re-position speakers. To use
Quick Measure, select Manual
mode instead of Automatic
when starting ARC. Click on
the Quick Measure button and
enable the sweep tone for the
speaker that you are positioning.
After a few sweeps the graph
will show a live update of the
uncorrected measurement. It will
keep running until you turn it off.
Leave speakers where the graph
is flattest, particularly in the bass
region, then run ARC normally.