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This Warranty is to be construed and enforced in accordance with the law
of the State of Connecticut, including the provisions of the Uniform
Commercial Code as adopted and from time to time amended in the State
of Connecticut, and not the Convention for the International Sale of
Goods. This choice of Connecticut law is exclusive of any Connecticut
law that would require reliance on any law foreign to Connecticut.
Should any action of law or in equity be brought by any person under this
Warranty, such action shall be brought only in the United States District
Court for the District of Connecticut, or in any Superior Court in Fairfield
County, Connecticut, U.S.A.
*Performance is warranted at a minimum of 70% of rated capacity.
If you have any questions regarding applications or specifications, or to
obtain warranty service on this or any Anton/Bauer product, contact the
Anton/Bauer Customer Support Group. See back page for contact