AOS WPC - Tech Training 3 of 72 Ashland City, TN © 2007
Servicing should only be performed by a Qualified Service Agent
Tools Required
• Instruction Manual that came with the boiler.
• Hand tools common to installation and service of commercial water heaters and boilers.
• TORX® T40 or 5mm hex wrench - for setting gas mixture at gas valve.
• 3mm or 7/64in hex (allen) wrench - for setting gas mixture at gas valve.
• Two - U tube manometers (preferably) or gas pressure gauges. U tube manometers can
be used to accurately measure supply gas pressures. However, their resolution is
insufficient to be used for measuring draft, manifold gas pressure on VF boilers, or
perform air pressure switch testing. U tube manometers or gas pressure gauges may not
be substituted for Digital Manometers listed below.
• Digital Manometer (s) range -20.00 to +20.00" W.C., resolution 0.01" W.C. Recommend
UEI model EM200 or equivalent. Used to test performance of air pressure switches,
measure draft, and measure manifold gas pressure.
• True RMS Digital Multi Meter DMM, recommend UEI model DL289 or Fluke equivalent.
Capable of measuring:
AC/DC Voltage
VAC Frequency (Hz)
DC micro amps µA
• AC amp meter- recommend UEI model DL289 or equivalent.
• Combustion analyzer
Capable of measuring:
Draft Pressure
Exhaust Temperature