
Chapter 10 Managing Preferences 217
Managing Parental Controls Preferences
Parental Controls preferences allow you to hide profanity in Dictionary, limit access to
websites, or set time limits or other contraints on computer usage. To manage Parental
Controls preferences, computers must have Mac OS X v10.5 or later.
The table below describes what settings in each Parental Controls pane can do.
Hiding Profanity in Dictionary
You can hide profane terms from the Dictionary application included with Mac OS X
v10.5 or later. When you hide profane terms, entirely profane terms are removed from
search results. If you search for a profane term that has an alternate nonprofane
definition, Dictionary only displays the nonprofane definition.
To hide profanity in Dictionary:
1 In Workgroup Manager, click Preferences.
2 Make sure the correct directory is selected and you are authenticated.
To switch directories, click the globe icon. If you are not authenticated, click the lock
and enter the name and password of a directory domain administrator.
3 Select one or more users, groups, computers, or computer groups.
4 Click Parental Controls and then click Content Filtering.
5 Set the management setting to Always.
6 Select “Hide profanity in Dictionary.”
7 Click Apply Now.
Preventing Access to Adult Websites
You can use Workgroup Manager to help prevent users from visiting adult websites.
You can also block access to specific websites while allowing users to access other
websites. You can allow or deny access to specific subfolders in the same website.
Instead of preventing access to specific websites, you can allow access only to specific
websites. For more information, see “Allowing Access Only to Specific Websites” on
page 218.
To prevent access to specific websites:
1 In Workgroup Manager, click Preferences.
2 Make sure the correct directory is selected and you are authenticated.
Parental Controls
preference pane
What you can control
Content Filtering Whether profanity is allowed in Dictionary, and limitations on
which websites users can view
Time Limits How long and when users can log in to their accounts