Update: AppleShare IP 5.0.2
In response to customer feedback, Apple Computer has recently released
AppleShare IP 5.0.2. This version provides support for Mac OS 8 and the
The AppleShare IP 5.0.2 Update includes the following:
m AppleShare IP 5.0.2
m NetCloak from Maxum (on CD only)
m LogDoor from Open Door Networks (on CD only)
m Mac OS 8 (on CD only)
m Open Transport 1.2.1
You can download the AppleShare IP 5.0.2 update from Apple’s World Wide
Web site: http://appleshareip.apple.com.
If you can’t download the software and you are in the United States, you can
order the AppleShare IP 5.0.2 Update CD through the fulfillment program by
fax or U.S. mail for $25 plus tax plus $6.95 for shipping and handling. To
order by mail in the U.S., please send a copy of your receipt or manual cover
for AppleShare IP 5.0 and a request to order the AppleShare IP 5.0.2 Update
along with payment to
Apple Software Order Center
PO Box 1470
Buffalo, NY 14240-8640
To order by fax, fax your receipt or manual cover and payment information to