Chapter 19 Photo Booth 87
Manage photos
The photos you take with Photo Booth are saved in your Camera Roll album in the Photos app
on iPad.
Delete a photo. Select a thumbnail, then tap .
Share or copy a photo. Tap a thumbnail, tap , then tap a share option (Message, Mail, iCloud,
Twitter, or Facebook) or Copy.
View photos in your Camera Roll album. In Photos, tap an album, then tap a thumbnail. To see
the next or previous photo, swipe left or right. See View photos and videos on page 63.
Upload photos to your computer. Connect iPad to your computer using the included USB cable.
Mac: Select the photos to upload, then click the Import or Download button in iPhoto or
other supported photo application on your computer.
PC: Follow the instructions that came with your photo application.
If you delete the photos from iPad when you upload them to your computer, they’re removed
from your Camera Roll album. You can use the Photos settings pane in iTunes to sync photos to
the Photos app on iPad.