
COMMUNICATIONS SET-UP This is where the thermostat address is entered.
Additionally, the total number of thermostats is entered here to optimize communication
timing. This thermostat also has the ability to communicate at a baud rate of 19200, which
can be selected in Communications Set-Up. Consult a qualified service technician before
changing any of the values in this Sub-Menu (Sub-Menu not shown).
TEMPERATURE SET-UP The first and second stage differentials can be changed, as can
the display temperature offset. The differentials set the tightness of the temperature control.
If the equipment is operating too often, or the
temperature swings are uncomfortably large,
the differentials can be increased or decreased
respectively. The temperature offset (calibration)
allows the user to customize the temperature
shown on the display. Consult a qualified service
technician before changing any of the values in
this Sub-Menu (Sub-Menu not shown).
BACKLIGHTING SET-UP Both displays have
backlighting which can be controlled in three
ways (see Figure 9). First, backlighting can be
turned on every time a button is pushed. Second,
it can be configured to come on with a button
push, but only when the ambient light is below
a preset value. When only when needed is
selected, the user can select from two levels of
ambient light. Finally, it can be disabled.