NOTE: Pro-Logic II is recommended when the playback
source is LPCM (Linear Pulse Code Modulation) or 2-
channel down mixed digital bit-stream.
NOTE: When Pro-Logic II Music mode is selected,
Dimension Control and Center Width are available for
fine tuning to achieve a more realistic surround sound
RATING (Parental Lock) Menu
The DVD system has a built-in parental lock feature to
prevent unauthorized persons from viewing restricted disc
content. By default, the rating system is unlocked. Once
setup, the parental lock is released only by entering the
correct password. Once the password is entered, rating is
available for setup.
To reset the password, access the “RATING” menu and enter
the current password. Once the correct password is entered,
you can access the “Password” field and enter a new one.
NOTE: Record the password and keep it in a safe place
for future reference. The rating for each disc is marked
on the disc, disc packing, or documentation. If the rating
is not available on the disc, the parental lock feature is
unavailable. Some discs restrict only portions of the disc
and the appropriate content will play. For details, please
refer to the disc description.
Table 17: Pro-Logic II Menu Features
Setting Options Function
Decode Mode Off Play original audio format.
Use Pro-Logic II decoding
II Matrix
Play mono output with surround
II Movie
Enhance movie surround effects.
II Music
Play surround music effects.
(Only available
when Pro-Logic II
Music Mode is
On Extends the audio from front to
rear to achieve a better audio sur-
round effect.
Off Panorama is turned off.
Dimension Ctrl
(Only available
when Pro-Logic II
Music Mode is
0-6 Adjusts the distribution of the front
and rear audio for a better audio
surround effect.
Center Width Ctrl
(Only available
when Pro-Logic II
Music Mode is
0-6 Adjusts the width of the center
surround effect.
BACK Return to previous menu.
Table 18: RATING Menu Features
Setting Options Function
Password _ _ _ _ Enter a 4-digit password to acti-
vate the “Rating” feature.
Rating 1. Kid Safe Select the appropriate rating level
for the intended audience.
You may override higher ratings
by using your password.
2. G
3. PG
4. PG-13
5. PG-R
6. R
7. NC-17
8. Adult
Load Factory Reset Select “Reset” to restore the fac-
tory default settings for the Rating
system only.
BACK Return to previous menu.
Table 18: RATING Menu Features
Setting Options Function