Angled Surface Mount
Surface Mount
Flush Mount
Sean Wilson and Regin work at Audiobahn 2003 We all rock
This will allow you to mount your tweeter on the surface and give you
the ability to have the tweeter facing in almost any direction that you desire.
1. Youwillneedtoremovethecenterpartofthedoublesidedstickytape
2. Remove one side of the protective backing of the tape and place it on
the back of the angled mounting piece
3. Locate the proper position that you would like to mount the
tweeter,then remove the protective backing on the sticky tape and
place the tweeter where needed
4. Drilla3/8”holeforthewireifneeded
5. It is recommended to use the two supplied screws to mount the angle
piece down due to the vibrations from the vehicle
This will allow you to mount your tweeter on the surface and allow you not
to have to cut a large hole in your vehicle
1. Youwillneedtoremovethecenterpartofthedoublesidedstickytape
2. Remove one side of the protective backing of the tape and place it on
the back of the angled mounting piece
3. Locate the proper position that you would like to mount the tweeter,
then remove the protective backing on the sticky tape and place the
tweeter where needed
4. Drilla3/8”holeforthewireifneeded
5. It is recommended to use the two supplied screws to mount the angle
piece down due to the vibrations from the vehicle
tweeter look like it came from the dealer.
1. Firstndalocationthatyouwouldliketomountthetweeter
2. Draw a small dot on the location of each tweeter and make sure that
both tweeters are mounted equally
3. Remove panel and double check that there is enough room behind the
4. Drilla11/2”holeforthesuppliedushmountcup
5. inserttheushmountcupandmakesurethatittsintotheholethat
6. Usethesuppliedpressureringbehindthepenaltonalizedthe
7. Makesurewhenyouinsertthetweeterintotheushmountcupthat
allow you to create a 360 degree swivel mount on the tweeter