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The selectable features can be set manually as explained below, or with the RF feature programmer.
To set features using the RF programmer, follow the instructions packaged with the programmer.
Factory default settings are indicated by bold text.
Note : The method of manual override can either be selected to operate from the valet switch or operate as custom code.
Be certain to place a check mark indicating the method used in the box located on the last page of the owner's manual.
NOTE: Keyless Entry Models with no horn output will Flash the Parking Lights instead of chirp where chirp is indicated.
Also, No data will be indicated if a feature is not available for a particular model. The unit will enter the feature but no selection will be available.
RF Programmable Feature Bank 1 Is For Transmitter Programming See Transmitter Programming Guide.
RF Programmable Features Bank 2 Is Alarm Selectable Features:
Feature Selection 1 Chirp 2 Chirps 3 Chirps 4 Chirps 5 Chirps 6 Chirps
1st DoorL/UL 1 Sec. 3.5 Sec. 1 Sec L, Dbl. U/L Dbl L, 1 Sec UL Dbl L, Dbl UL 1 S l/350mS ul
2nd Accy Lock Auto Lock On Auto Lock Off
3rd Accy. UL Auto UL On Auto UL Off
4th Headlights Not Available
5th Passive Locks Passive Active
6th Pass/Act Arm Passive Arm Active Arm
7th Siren/Horn Siren/Horn Siren Only Horn Only
8th Horn Chirp 10mS 16mS 30mS 40mS 50mS
9th O/R Method Custom Code Valet
10th 2 Step U/L NA
11th Chp Del Tx NA
12th Volts/HdWire N A
13th Trigger Circuits N A
14th L/UL Poll 120mS 80mS
15th Aux Channel 5 Select NA
16th Aux Channel 6 Select NA
17th Aux Channel 7 Select NA
18th Trigger Delay Instant Delayed
When using the RF programmer, enter the program mode as follows:
Turn the ignition on.
Press and release valet switch 3 times;
turn ignition off then on.
Press and hold valet switch for 5 seconds.
Siren chirps 2 times indicating access to RF feature program mode.
Model AS9233ST
Installation Manual