Connecting System Components
Audio Wiring Workflow
The following procedure provides the general workflow for setting up the audio subsystem for
To wire the audio subsystem:
1. Ensure that all of your workstation peripherals and video hardware components are
properly connected.
2. Verify that you have all the required audio hardware components. See “Audio Hardware
Components” on page 40.
3. Connect your audio hardware devices. To avoid system instability, make sure you connect
your audio hardware as illustrated for your configuration. See “Audio Wiring”
on page 40.
4. Configure the Lucid converter for local control. See “Configuring the Lucid ADA 88192
Converter” on page 42.
Audio Hardware Components
Lustre 2009 uses the following hardware components that are shipped with your system.
Lucid ADA 88192 Converter —
Converts signals between the workstation and all digital or
analog audio I/O devices.
DVS Balanced Audio breakout box and DVS Centaurus 1 or 2 board —
The Balanced
Audio breakout box is the audio component of the DVS breakout box. It provides connections
for audio I/O. This breakout box connects to the DVS Centaurus 1 or 2 board on your
workstation. The Centaurus board provides real-time input and output of uncompressed SD
and HD video signals, as well as audio data at 24-bit resolution. The Centaurus board handles
balanced AES/EBU audio signals from the Balanced Audio breakout box.
Understanding Local Control of the Lucid Converter
You can control the converter locally by adjusting converter settings manually, using the
controls on the front of the converter.
Whether you control the converter, you should take any necessary precautions to prevent
inadvertent adjustments to settings via the controls on the front of the converter. For example,
if the converter is one of several in a machine room, you might label each with the name of the
computer to which it is connected.
Audio Wiring
If you have a DVS video device with a Lucid ADA 88192 converter, to connect the Lustre
hardware components to the DVS breakout box, refer to the following diagram.