Creating Websites for the 4620 IP Telephone
Input Elements
<optgroup> tag - Sets of <optgroup> brackets can be put around <options> in a <select> list.
The results in breaking a list into sublists.
<option> tag - A set of option tags is needed to specify each individual item in a list. This tag
must be used with the select tag.
<select> tag - The select tag allows for the definition of a list, embedded in a card, to allow the
user to choose inputs from a list rather than having to type something in. The select tag must
be used with the option tag.
A single select is rendered with a small square containing a dot. A multiple select is rendered as
multiple squares - blank if there is nothing in them, else a lower case “x”.
Attribute Value Description Comments
title cdata Sets a title for the optgroup element SUPPORTED
Attribute Value Description Comments
onpick url Sets what is going to happen when
an user selects an item
title cdata Sets a title for the option SUPPORTED
value cdata Sets the value to be used when
setting the "name" variable in the
select element
Attribute Value Description Comments
name nmtoken Names the variable that is set with
the index result of the selection
ivalue cdata Sets the pre-selected option
element. If none is specified the
first item in a list is automatically
multiple true
Sets whether multiple items can be
selected. Default is "false". False is
used for a single selection.
tabindex number Sets the tabbing position for the
select element
title cdata Sets a title for the list SUPPORTED
value cdata Sets the default value of the
variable in the "name" attribute