In-call context-sensitive soft keys
When a call is active, use the context-sensitive soft keys to access the
menu items shown in Figure 6 on page 35.
Figure 6: In-call context-sensitive soft keys
Table 3 on page 35 lists the context-sensitive soft keys you can use to
access menu items during an in-call session.
Table 3: Menu items accessed during an in-call session
through context-sensitive soft keys (Part 1 of 10)
Item Function
Conf Press the Conf context-sensitive
soft key to obtain a dial tone to
place another call during an active
call or to make a conference call.
The Conf context-sensitive soft key
behaves like the NewCall context-
sensitive soft key.
Press the Trnsfer context-sensitive
soft key to transfer the current call
to another location or to another