3.5 About this Safety Seat
• This Safety Seat is constructed of plastic that can deform over
time if left with any object in the seat while stored. DO NOT
leave heavy objects in the seat while not in use. DO NOT
store the seat in the trunk of your car with heavy objects on it
or with pressure on the seat from the trunk lid.
• Replace the Safety Seat and Base after an accident of
any kind. An accident, even a minor accident, can cause
undetectable damage to the Safety Seat or Base that may
cause the Seat or Base to fail in a subsequent accident. DO
NOT use the safety seat if it is damaged or broken.
• Discontinue use of the Safety Seat and Base after six (6) years
from the date of manufacture. The date of manufacture can
be found on the label located on the underside of the Safety
Seat or Base. When discarding an out of date seat, please
ensure that someone nding the seat will be unable to use it.
We suggest that you disable the seat by removing the pad and
harness and discarding the pieces at different times.
3.6 About use as a carrier
Never Leave Your Child Unattended, even if they are asleep.
Very often when you arrive at your destination you will nd
that your child has fallen asleep in the Seat. Do not leave the
child unattended, even for a minute. Your child can tip or move
the carrier by their movements, kicking or grabbing on to their
surroundings. If the carrier tips over, your child can suffocate