SeCtion 8 • required inSpeCtion, ServiCe, &
quick reference checklisT (conT’D)
*If engine fails to start, refer to the Engine Owner’s Manual for further troubleshooting procedures
b. preparinG To DeparT anD afTer launchinG
1. Bilge/Engine Compartment ..................................... “Sniff” the bilge/engine compartment for fuel odor.
Run the bilge blowers for at least four (4) minutes.
2. Shore Power Cable ................................................ Disconnected from dockside power inlet
3. Lines, Fenders and Anchor ..................................... Ready for use
4. Passengers/Crew ................................................... Instructed in duties for getting underway and tted for a
correct size PFD
1. Battery Switches ..................................................... In the ON position
2. Fuel Valves (Diesel Only) ....................................... Open
3. Engine Alarm .......................................................... Test. Should sound after a few seconds
4. Gear Shift & Throttle Controls ................................ In NEUTRAL and IDLE positions
sTarTinG The enGine*
1. Gearshift & Throttle Controls .................................. Shift in NEUTRAL (Refer to your Engine Owner’s
Manual for startup procedures for your specic
2. Ignition .................................................................... Turn ignition keys on the helm clockwise until engine
starts, then release.
IMPORTANT: Do not continue to operate starter for more than 10 seconds without pausing to allow
starter motor to cool off for 2 minutes. This also will allow the battery to recover between starting
Do not run the engine or generator in an enclosed
area, such as a closed boat house, as there is
the possibility of buildup and inhaling of carbon