NOTE: Make sure you read, understand and follow all safety information found in
this manual and manufacturer supplied information.
For set up instructions of your plumbing system, refer to the “Setting Up Camp...” chapter.
If you have further questions on setting up the system, consult with your independent,
authorized dealer.
Sanitizing the Potable Water System
WARNING: Failure to sanitize the potable water system could result in
death or serious injury.
Potable water systems require periodic maintenance to deliver a consistent flow of fresh
water. Depending on use, and the environment the system is subject to, sanitizing is
recommended prior to storing and before using the water system after a period of storage.
Systems with new components, or ones that have been subjected to contamination, should
also be disinfected as follows:
1. Use one of the following methods to determine the amount of common household
bleach needed to sanitize the tank.
= Multiply “gallons of tank capacity” by 0.13; the result is the ounces of bleach
needed to sanitize the tank.
= Multiply “liters of tank capacity” by 1.0; the result is the milliliters of bleach
needed to sanitize the tank.
2. Mix the proper amount of bleach into a container of water.
3. Pour the solution (water/bleach) into the tank and fill the tank with potable water.
4. Open all faucets allowing water to run until the distinct odor of chlorine is detected.
5. The standard solution must have four (4) hours of contact time to disinfect
completely. Doubling the solution concentration allows for contact time of one (1)
6. When the contact time is completed, drain the tank. Refill with potable water and
purge the plumbing of all sanitizing solution.
If there is a problem of excessive chlorine odor and taste after the sanitizing process, follow
the above procedures using a solution of baking soda (1/2 cup added to one gallon (4 liters)
of water per 15 gallons (60 liters) of tank capacity) or vinegar (one quart added to five
gallons (20 liters) of water per 15 gallons (60 liters) of tank capacity.)
Your demand water system is now ready for use. Refer to instructions on filling the tank
and utilizing the system in the “Setting Up Camp...” chapter.
Drainage - Fresh Water
Permanent water tanks may be drained through a valve located near the tank. Any camper
with a demand pressure pump system will have low-point drains attached to the water lines
normally located near the water tank. These low-point drains will release water in the
supply lines by opening the valves and all faucets. The water heater has its own drain plug.
Jay Series/Baja/Select Folding Camping Trailer 61