Each Bang & Olufsen product purchased from an authorised Bang &
Olufsen retailer carries a guarantee against defects in workmanship
and materials. The guarantor is the authorised Bang & Olufsen
retailer or otherwise the national Bang & Olufsen representative.
The guarantee period is 36 months.
The guarantee covers the repair costs (i.e. spare parts and labour
costs) for the product. The guarantee also covers accessories.
As Bang & Olufsen phone products only function in the country for
which they were produced, the guarantee only applies to that
country only. This is due to the variations in transmission
standards and legal approvals from country to country.
The guarantee does not cover damage due to accidents, including
damage by lightning, water, fire, transport, misuse or negligence.
Bang & Olufsen is not responsible for any indirect loss or any
consequential loss.
The guarantee does not cover transport costs or the replacement
of batteries.
The guarantee is void if the product is repaired or modified other
than by a person authorised by Bang & Olufsen, or if the serial
number has been removed from the product.
Conditions of the guarantee
For the guarantee to be valid, a
document is normally required
stating the following:
– Name of product and type
– Serial number
– Date of purchase/delivery
– Guarantee period
– Stamp and signature of an
authorised Bang & Olufsen