DCS-100 • User’s Guide 141
Remote Commands
• Description: Input Resolution Select.
• Command Format: IRES -i (input) [-f (format) | -n (index)]
• Parameters: -i (input): 1 - 9
-f (format): format string, i.e. "800x600 @59.94"
-n (index): video format index (see --list)
-s (status): 0 - valid, non-zero - invalid
• Query Format: IRES -i (input) -?
• Query Response: IRES -i (input) -f (format) -s (status)
• List Format: Each input type has a different list of valid resolutions.
IRES -i (input) --list
• List Response: Example for input type of analog:
1:"NTSC (480i)"
3:"PAL (576i)"
• Description: Input Saturation Adjust. This command is only valid for SMPTE
color space
• Command Format: ISAT -i (input) -s (sat)
• Parameters:
-i (input): 1 - 9
-s (saturation): 0 - 150 (Default: 100)
• Query Format: ISAT -i (input) -?
• Query Response: ISAT -i (input) -s (sat) --min 75 --max 125
• Description: Selects the specified input as the current input to display. This
command will perform the valid sync check, route the input, recall video if saved
or acquire source if not saved. Includes the -f (file) parameter option. Also, the
IMAP will be updated for the input if the file parameter is specified.
• Command Format: ISEL -i (input) -f (file)
• Parameters: -i (input): 1 - 9
-f (file): 1 - 64; If specified, updates the File Association menu to reflect
the selected file number. If not specified, uses the file number specified
in the ICREC query.
• Query Format: ISEL -?
• Query Response: ISEL -i (input)