
Manual # 26-0302000-00 / Revision E ImagePRO – Multi Format Image Processor
ISMP? in Query Input Sample mode
ISYNC in mode Set Input Sync
ISYNC? in Query Input Sync
ISYNCSLICE in nnn Set Input Sync Slice Threshold
ISYNCSLICE? in Query Input Sync Slice Threshold
ITYPE in mode Set Input Type
ITYPE? in Query Input Type
IVATV nnnn Set Input Vert Active
IVATV? Query Input Vert Active
IVPOS nnnn Set Input Vert Position
IVPOS? Query Input Vert Position
IVTOTAL? Query Input Vert Total
IVREC in Input Channel View Recall
IVSAV in Input Channel View Save
LCK? in Query Lock status
RTE in Routes Input source
RTE? Query currently routed Input source
Output Remote Commands
GLMODE src type Set Genlock Source and Type
GLMODE? Query Genlock Source and Type
GLPHASE h sc Set Genlock H Phase and SC Phase
GLPHASE? Query Genlock H Phase and SC Phase
OBRT nnn.n Adjust Output Brightness
OBRT? Query Output Brightness
OCNT nnn.n Adjust Output Contrast
OCNT? Query Output Contrast
OCRST Reset Output Configuration
OCSAV Save Output Configuration
OCSP mode Set Output Colorspace
OCSP? Query Output Colorspace
OEQ mode Set Output Equalization mode
OEQ? Query Output Equalization mode
OFR mode Set Output Flicker Reduce mode
OFR? Query Output Flicker Reduce mode
OGM n Set Output Gamma
OGM? Query Output Gamma
OHATV nnnn Set Output Horiz Active
OHATV? Query Output Horiz Active
OHPOS nnnn Set Output Horiz Position
OHPOS? Query Output Horiz Position
OHSYNC nnnn Set Output Horiz Sync
OHSYNC? Query Output Horiz Sync
OHTOTAL nnnn Set Output Horiz Total
OHTOTAL? Query Output Horiz Total
OHUE nnn Adjust Output Hue
OHUE? Query Output Hue
OPDL mode Set Output Pedestal mode
OPDL? Query Output Pedestal mode
OSAT nnn.n Adjust Output Saturation
OSAT? Query Output Saturation
OSER mode Set Output Serrations mode
OSER? Query Output Serrations mode
OSHRP n Set Output Sharpness
OSHRP? Query Output Sharpness
OSOG n Output Sync On Green mode
OSOG? Query Output Sync On Green mode
OSYNC n Set Output Sync type
OSYNC? Query Output Sync type
OUSCN nn Set Output Underscan