
MatrixPRO- II 11
The MatrixPRO-II family is a ground-up development aimed at bringing new capabilities and a new
level of performance to matrix switching.
In order for a display to accurately reproduce the original image, every component in the video
system must have enough bandwidth to carry the signal and be as at as possible in order to maintain
the clarity and color delity. The MatrixPRO-IIs set a new standard in both areas.
Bandwidth and Frequency Response
At the heart of the MatrixPRO-II Series is a design that delivers high bandwidth and at frequency
response to insure that the original image is switched and distributed without being altered. Proper
signal reproduction is much more than bandwidth. Frequency response plays a vital role in the
clarity and accuracy of an image.
The HD Component and RGB units feature greater than 600 MHz of bandwidth to -3dB. Better,
from 0 to 300MHz the signal is +/-1.0 dB making the MatrixPRO-IIs the highest bandwidth and
attest matrix switchers on the market.
RGB Delay Switching
All models have a user de nable RGB delay switch mode. When enabled and a new route
selected, the H and V sync switch on command and black is sent down the RGB lines. This allows
downstream equipment to lock into the new signal before anything is visible on the screen. After the
preset interval, the RGB signal is then restored making the switch appear as clean as possible.
Presets and I/O Groups
The MatrixPRO-II' family offers up to 32 presets, one for each input and output button. Presets make
a very easy way to recon gure all of the routes in a system with the touch of a button. I/O groups are
handy if there are some inputs or outputs that must be isolated from one another. An example would
be that certain inputs from the executive boardroom may never wish to be switched to the video
conferencing system.
Split Mode
The newest feature to be added to the MatrixPRO-II is Split Mode Switching. This allows each
color channel to be switched independently. Take an 12x8 RGBHV matrix as an example. Inputs
1-4 could be assigned to be RGB while the Red channel on inputs 5-8 can be composite while the
Green and Blue channels on inputs 9-12 are S-Video. This allows 1 physical matrix switcher to
perform the duties of several units saving money by ensuring that the switching capabilities are
present as video types and resolutions are upgraded in the future.
Stereo Audio
The stereo audio option provides balanced and unbalanced stereo audio switching with independent
input trim control and output volume control. Independent input gain switches allow unity or +14 dB