3. XDS Control Center Launching a layout automatically at incoming/outgoing call
You need to configure the settings to launch a layout automatically at an incoming call or when triggering a call. After configuration,
a window will open automatically with the video conference image at an incoming call or when while triggering a call. Only an
administrator has the permissions to configure the s ettings.
How to launch a layout automatically at incoming/outgoing call?
Whenever an incom ing/outgoing call is accepted the specified layout will be launched.
1. From the video conference control view, Click the Options tab
Image 3-177
Using the Options tab
2. Click Configure to launc h Configure Call(s) Layout dialog
The Configur e Call(s ) La y out dialog is displayed below.
Image 3-178
Configure Call(s) Layout dialog
3. Click Change to last selected layout mentioned b elow to set the last s elected layout for incom ing or outgoing call
Note: Only the last launched layout can be set for incoming/outgoing call. Make s ure you launch the r equired layout before
setting it for incoming or outgoing call.
Tip: The selected layout will be launched keeping the current windows on display. So the best is to select a layout that contains
the video conference source.