How To Use
Pull the plug and the cable located
at the back, outside; plug it. Stop
pulling when you see the yellow
sign on the cable, red sign comes
after yellow sign, never pull when
you see the red sign. Otherwise
you may give harm to the cable
twister of your product.
Push the on-off button with power
variator in order to operate your
vacuum cleaner. When the on-off
button with power variator is
pushed, the blue indicator light
around the vacuum control button
will be on.
Push the cable twister button on
the device in order to twist the
cable after the operation of the
vacuum cleaner is finished. Do not
step on the cable twister button.
The mechanism may receive
harm in case of stepping onto it
You can control the vacuum
power of your product with the
vacuum power control button
located on the body of your device
while operating.
Note: If your carpet brush sticks
to your carpet because of the high
vacuum power of your product,
you may decrase the vacuum
power by this button.