
Northstar 8000i System - 12" Display Processor Installation Manual
For example when the power button is pressed on the Northstar 15" Monitor it sends a +
Volts signal through its Utility Cable (External Wake Up) to the Black Box Processors Utility
Cable (Remote Power On). The processor detects the voltage and powers on. When the
monitor is turned off, the 8000i Black Box Processor detects zero volts and and after (four) 4
seconds powers down.
NOTE: that the processor takes up to 30 Seconds to power down. This will not be visible on
the 15" Monitor. Allow time for the processor to shut down before removing power to the
A Yellow
B Black / White
C White
D Black
E Orange
F Blue
G Dark Green
H Grey
External Wake Up (Grey Wire) on the Utility Cable.
Connect this to the Light Green wire on the
Processor Utility Cable
I Light Green
Remote Power On wire connected to the Black Box
J Purple
K Pink