Controlling Your Video Sources
There are two options for controlling the AV source products
These approaches can be used in conjunction with one another,
or you can use IR alone.
IR (Infrared, or “Most Normal AV and TV Remotes”)
The ScreenCast AV system allows you to use your device-specific
remotes, such as one from a Blu-ray disc player, just as you
normally would.
• TheScreenCastAVreceivertakesthesignalthatyour
remote emits (IR) and sends it back to the ScreenCast
AV transmitter. The transmitter then sends those
commands to your devices via the IR emitters.
• Forinstance,youcanpointyourBlu-raydiscplayer’sremote
at the ScreenCast receiver, press “play,” and that command
will be sent back to the ScreenCast transmitter, then through
the IR emitter, and your Blu-ray disc player will play.
• Someproducts,mostnotablyPlayStation3
, use
wireless technology instead of IR.
is not supported
by the ScreenCast AV system but since
is a wireless
technology, it is compatible with the ScreenCast AV system.
ScreenCast AV Transmitter
The role of the transmitter is to wirelessly send the content from
your AV source devices like Blu-ray disc players or satellite/cable
boxes to your TV.
The transmitter can be placed within the range guidelines described
on page 6. You may have to experiment a bit with positioning so you
get the best possible experience. The transmitter can be moved,
but the receiver can be adjusted, too.
Remote control commands from your source devices’ remotes can
be relayed from the receiver to the transmitter, and then to each
device via an IR emitter. To do this, you’ll connect the included
IR emitter into the transmitter’s “IR” port, and aim the emitter ends
at your source devices. It does not matter which of the four emitter
ends is in front of each device.
ScreenCast AV is a WHDI
certified product and can support up to
eight WHDI
transmitters. So in addition to the 4-port AV transmitter
that came with this product, in the future you might add other wireless
transmitters in the ScreenCast family. For example, you might
have a transmitter for your laptop, and another one for a tablet.