Programmer / Clock (if fitted)
(Programmable oven - left hand only)
The programmer buttons
The ‘function’ button in the centre is used
for setting the minute minder and setting
up the automatic cooking. See below for
To set the time of day
When the power is turned on to the appli-
ance, the time of day starts from 0.00.
Press and release the (minus) and
(plus) buttons simultaneously. Set the
time of day, eg 2.00 with the and
buttons while the ‘dot’ beween the hours
and minutes is flashing.
To select an alarm tone
Press and hold the (minus) button to lis-
ten to the first tone. Release the
button and press it again to listen to
the second tone, etc. Releasing the
button after the tone has sounded will
automatically select that tone.