Express Ethernet Switch LB9217A-R2 & Applicable Modules
Port-based VLAN & Settings
The 17-Port Switch allows up to sixteen port-based VLAN domains. Assign each port
to a VLAN group or a couple of VLAN groups according to accessibility needs.
The VLAN setting: follow these steps to assign VLAN groups.
y Move the cursor to VLAN1 ~ 16 column
y Move the cursor and select a port
y Press [SPACE] and show V to the desired port
y Press [ENTER] to apply and save the setting
For example, here we have the port 17 assigned as routing (uplink) port. The port 1 ~
port 16 are divided into five different VLAN groups (VLAN 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5).
VLAN 1: port 1, 2, 3
VLAN 2: port 4, 5, 6
VLAN 3: port 7, 8, 9
VLAN 4: port 10, 11, 12
VLAN 5: port 13, 14, 15, 16, 17
For example, the port 1, 2, and 3 (VLAN 1) can not communicate with the port 4, 5,
and 6 (VLAN 2).
The routing (uplink) port setting: follow these steps to have an assigned routing
(uplink) port. Then separate the rest each port to a different VLAN group. The rest each
port can only uplink through the assigned routing (uplink) port and can’t communicate
with each other.
y Enter [V] from the Main Menu
Move the cursor to a desired routing (uplink) port
y Press [SPACE] and show V to the desired routing (uplink) port
Press [ENTER] to apply and save the setting, then all the other ports will be assigned to each
different VLAN group and use the desired port as the routing (uplink) port
For example, here we have the port 17 assigned as routing (uplink) port. The port 1 ~
port 16 are divided into each different VLAN groups. And the user on the port 1 ~ port
16 can uplink through the port 17 only and can not communicate with each other.