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Chapter 3: Configuration
3.2.2 Rate Limiters
This section describes how to configure the switch’s ACL Rate Limiter parameters. The Rate Limiter Levels from 1 to 16 permit the
user to set rate limiter value and units with pps or kbps.
Web Interface
To configure ACL Rate Limiter in the Web interface:
1. Click Configuration, ACL, then Rate Limiter
2. To specific the Rate field and the range from 0 to 3276700.
3. To scroll the Unit with pps or kbps
4. Click the Save button to save the setting
5. If you want to cancel a setting, click the Reset button to revert to previously saved values.
Figure 3-9. The ACL Rate Limiter Configuration screen.
Parameter Description
• Rate Limiter ID: The rate limiter ID for the settings contained in the same row.
• Rate: Permitted values are: 0–3,276,700 in pps or 0, 100, 200, 300, ..., 1,000,000 in kbps.
• Unit: Specify the rate unit. Values permitted are: pps (packets per second) and kbps (kilobits per second).
• Buttons:
- Save: Click to save changes.
- Reset: Click to undo any changes made locally and revert to previously saved values.