BLADEOS 6.3 Application Guide
24 BMD00178, April 2010
Spanning Tree Configuration Tips
To ensure proper operation with switches that use Cisco Per VLAN Spanning Tree (PVST+), you
must do one of the following:
Create a separate Spanning Tree Group for each VLAN.
Manually add all associated VLANs into a single Spanning Tree Group.
When using Layer 2 Trunk Failover, disable Spanning Tree Protocol on external ports.
Syslog Configuration Tip
The facility parameter traditionally is used to correlate services (such as IP, CLI, etc.) to messages.
This is done to distinguish between the different services that are running in the network/device.
However, for the GbESM, there is a single configured facility value (0-7) used on all messages. By
configuring a unique facility value for each switch, a single SYSLOG server can distinguish
between the various GbESMs in the network. Refer to “System Host Log Configuration” in the
BLADEOS 6.3 Command Reference.
Internal Port Autonegotiation
By default, link autonegotiation is turned on for internal ports. This is in contrast to external ports,
where autonegotiation is off by default. Internal ports use autonegotiation in order to support the
Wake-Over-LAN (WOL) features of some servers. If an attached server does not support
autonegotiation or WOL, turn autonegotiation off for the internal port.
FTP/TFTP Directory Path
When you use the CLI to perform a FTP/TFTP file transfer, you cannot use a forward slash ( / ) in
the directory path, unless it is preceded by a back slash ( \ ). This issue occurs only when a full
command is issued on one line.
For example, the following is invalid:
The following is correct:
# /boot/gtimg 1 image_directory/filename
# /boot/gtimg 1 image_directory\/filename