
9 EN
Read this first !
This washer can be individually installed
in free-standing and built-in installations.
You can also install your washer with
your dryer as a free-standing or built-in
pair. Before you install your appliance,
read the following instructions
completely and carefully:
• Savetheseinstructionsforfuture
• Thisappliancemustbeproperly
installed and grounded by qualified
and skilled technicians in accordance
with all local codes and ordinances
and the latest edition of the National
• Properinstallationofthisappliance
is the responsibility of the owner and
failure due to improper installation is
not covered by the warranty.
The Right Location of
You can install your washer in a
basement, closet or in a laundry room
if the location has proper drainage,
plumbing and power supply system.
Always follow these instructions for
• Donotinstallorstorethisappliance
where it will be exposed to the
weather, rain, damp places, water
and direct sunlight. The ambient
temperature must be higher than
60°F (15.6°C) for proper operation.
Installation location must have the
proper ventilation.
• Donotstoreanduseanyflammable
and combustible substances such
as lint, paper, curtains, gasoline, coal
and liquid or vapor chemicals near
the appliance.
• Installandoperatethewasherona
strong solid concrete floor to prevent
vibration, noise or movement in case
of load unbalance. The floor must
have sufficient load carrying capacity
and the washer must be leveled
properly before the operation.
3 Installation Instructions
• Itisnotrecommendedtoinstalland
operate the washer on a wooden
floor or soft floor. If you have to install
your washer on a wooden or frame
construction floor, the floor must be
reinforced properly and the washer
must be located in the corner of the
room if possible.
• Neverplaceyourwasheronacarpet.
This prevents air circulation. The
electrical components of the machine
may overheat and cause damage.
• Donotstandapplianceonthepower
• Donotinstallandoperateyour
washer in ambient temperatures
lower than 32˚F (0˚C). Controls
may stop working properly in such
• Ifthereisdangeroffrost,drain
all remaining water in pump and
hoses since it may freeze and cause
damage by bursting them (see
“Cleaning the drain pump filter”).
Installation Clearances
C The installation location must be large
enough for the washer door to be
fully opened for loading.
C The installation location must be
large enough for ease of operation,
maintenance and service.
C Ensure there is min 1/2” of clearance
on each side of the washer to allow
slight side ways movement during
washing and spin drying.