No. Connector Pin 1 Pin 2 Pin 3 Pin 4 Pin 5 Pin 6
Ground Grounding Screw
P101 120/230 VAC Power In Line NC Neutral
P107 24 VAC Power Out Earth Ground Heater
(24 VAC)
(24 VAC)
Table 7.2: VG4-PSU1/VG4-PSU2 Power Supply Box Connections
1. Route the high voltage 120/230 VAC lines through the earth-grounded conduit fitting on
the left side of the box. The Power Supply Box with a transformer comes with a barrier
that separates the high voltage side on the left, from the low voltage 24 VAC side on the
2. Cut and trim the high voltage 120/230 VAC power and ground wires with sufficient slack
to reach their connector terminal in the box, but not so long as to be pinched by or to
obstruct closing the cover door.
3. Attach the supplied 3-pin power plug to the incoming high voltage power wires in the
box. Refer to connector P101 in the table above and to the image below for an illustration
of these connections:
Figure 7.4: Incoming 115/230 VAC power supply
4. Attach the ground wire to the grounding screw.
5. Connect three wires to the P107 Power Out connector to route the 24 VAC power supply
to the VG4-PA0 Power Supply Box.
Connect the first wire to pin 5 (HN: Heater Neutral) connector.
Connect the second wire to pin 4 (HL: Heater Line) connector.
Connect the third wire to pin 3 (Earth Ground) connector.
Refer to connector P107 in the table above and to the image below for an illustration of
these connections:
Figure 7.5: Outgoing 24 VAC power supply
AutoDome 7000 Series (IP and HD) Installing the Pendant Arm Wall, Corner, and Mast (Pole) Mounts | en 29
Bosch Security Systems Operation Manual 2013.07 | 1.2.2 | F.01U.283.679