EN | 40 Bosch Security Systems | December 13, 2005
15 Alarm Information
15.1 General
The ability to automatically switch video in response to an external signal (usually a
contact closure) is a necessary feature in any video switching system. The Allegiant
system permits users with Priority Level 1 to select any 1 of 3 predefined alarm
response modes (via keyboard User Function 19). A description of these three (3)
modes appears below. Pictorial examples of the three (3) alarm responses are also
shown on the following pages.
The system can also be programmed with a wide variety of alarm response charac-
teristics using the optional LTC 8059/00 MCS package or the optional
LTC 8850/00 GUI Software package.
15.2 Basic Alarm Response Mode
In the Basic alarm response mode, any or all of the monitors can be selected as
alarm display monitors. Each alarm can then be armed to display its camera(s) on
any set of armed monitors. Multiple alarms, on the same monitor, will sequence at a
2 second rate. Note that monitors and alarms can be armed and disarmed individu-
ally as required. Alarmed video automatically clears when the alarm input signal is
15.3 Auto Build Alarm Response Mode
This mode uses a set of monitors as alarm display monitors. All system monitors
may be armed if desired. Each triggered alarm will display its alarm video on a dif-
ferent monitor, starting with the lowest numbered armed monitor. If all the armed
monitors are already displaying alarm video, subsequent alarms will build on the
existing alarmed monitors; and each monitor will sequence through its alarm videos
at a 2 second rate. Note that monitors and alarms can be armed and disarmed indi-
vidually as required. Alarmed video will automatically clear when the alarm input
signal is reset.
15.4 Sequence and Display Alarm Response Mode
This mode designates two monitors as alarm response monitors. Monitor #1 is the
DISPLAY monitor (also called a REVIEW monitor) and monitor #2 is the
SEQUENCE (or STEP) monitor. The first alarm appears on both monitors and
additional alarms begin to sequence at a 2 second rate on the SEQUENCE monitor.
The DISPLAY monitor holds the first alarmed camera video until manually
acknowledged through the keyboard. When the first video is cleared from the DIS-
PLAY monitor, the next alarmed video (“next” meaning the camera that enters an
alarmed state second) is displayed until cleared; operation continues in this manner.
Note that alarms can be armed and disarmed individually as required. Note also that
all alarms must be manually cleared; the presence of alarm video is not dependent
upon the duration of the alarm input signal to the system.