D9412GV2/D7412GV2 | Operation and Installation Guide | 3.0 Overview
14 Bosch Security Systems, Inc. | 5/05 | F01U003641B
3.3.15 NetCom Functions
The D6600 NetCom System supports data network
communications. NetCom allows the D6600 receiver to
connect to various network topologies, specifically
Ethernet and token-ring. NetCom also allows this
receiver to process messages to and from most
networks using TCP/IP protocols. Connecting to a data
network is possible using the COM4 or COM1
connection from the D6600 receiver to the D6680
Network Adapter. Alarm control panels can send
reports through telephone lines or Ethernet and token-
ring data networks to the D6600 receiver and then to
the central station automation software or the network
printer through a local area network (LAN) or wide
area network (WAN). The network can monitor the
status of alarm control panels.
3.3.16 Programming
Use the Bosch Security Systems D5200 Programmer or
the Remote Programming Software (RPS) to program
the D9412GV2 and D7412GV2 Control Panels. Refer
to the D9412GV2/D7412GV2 Program Entry Guide
(P/N: F01U003636) for programming options.
3.3.17 Other Features
D9412GV2 and D7412GV2 Control Panels have many
programmable features. Some of the features are listed
below. Complete details on all features are in the
D9412GV2/D7412GV2 Program Entry Guide
(P/N: F01U003636).
• Supervision of AC (primary power), battery
(secondary power), Zonex and SDI buses, central
processing unit (CPU), up to three printers, and
two telephone lines
• Automatic System Test Reports
• Remote access for programming, diagnostics, and
log uploads using the remote programming
software (RPS)
• Fire alarm verification
• Programmable alarm output
• Programmable relay output using the D8129
OctoRelay Module
• Opening and closing windows
• Skeds (scheduled events)