
Global View Station 1000 Code Translator Unit | en 17
Bosch Security Systems, Inc. Operations Manual F.01U.173.867 | 2.0 | 2010.11
3 Code Translator Unit
The code translator unit, with the auxiliary and camera control boards act as receivers for the
GVS1000 unit. During operation, LED indicators on the code translator unit can help to show
when data traffic is being received by the unit, as well as if there is a detected error in the
translator unit.
3.1 Pelco Support
The Pelco code translator box has four (4) status LEDs as shown below:
Figure 3.1 LEDs on the Pelco Code Translator
During normal operation the Rx light will flash whenever valid communication is received by
the code translator box. Communication specific to the motor will cause the Tx light to flash
as the unit sends commands to the motor. In Pelco D mode, the Rsp light flashes when data is
being received from the motor back to the translator unit. The Error light flashes when invalid
communication traffic is received, or if there is an error detected within the translator. If
power cycling does not turn the error LED off, contact a Bosch service center