
NOTE: What is displayed for interpreters is based on information contained
within an interpreter configuration file in the Simultaneous Interpretation soft-
ware module (LBB 3572). If no file is open, or no booth/desk numbers have
been defined, or the Simultaneous Interpretation program is not open, then
there will be no information displayed in the ‘From’ list box.
Each interpreter will be identified by ‘Booth <N>, Desk <M>’, where <N>
indicates the booth number of the interpreter, and <M> gives the desk
number within the booth.
To select a delegate, chairman or interpreter:
Click on the name in the list.
If you wish to change your selection, simply repeat the procedure.
Search - this option allows you to conduct a search for a particular delegate,
chairman or interpreter. There are two ‘Search’ radio buttons, a ‘Search’
push button and a list box:
Fig. 8 The ‘Search’ facility
You can specify whether the search is conducted by screen line (‘Names’) or
seat number (‘Numbers’) when searching for a delegate or chairman.
NOTE: When ‘Others’ is selected, a ‘Search’ can only be carried out to
locate interpreters. In this case the ‘Names’ and Numbers’ radio buttons
are deactivated, and you must enter <N>, <M>’ in the text box located
under the ‘Search’ push button, where <N> and <M> are the booth num-
ber and desk number of the interpreter respectively.
Digital Congress Network Intercom
Page 3-13 Software User Manual