DCN Next Generation Multi Voting en | 27
Bosch Security Systems B.V. | 2005 September | 9922 141 70392
To include the total result:
• Click on the ‘Include Total Results’ tick box.
To include group results:
• Click on the ‘Include Group Results’ tick box.
To include individual results:
• Click on the ‘Include Individual Results’ tick
To include the names of abstaining delegates:
• Click on the ‘Abstain Votes’ tick box.
A tick (√) indicates that the function is enabled.
You can also specify whether individual results are
sorted according to group or answer option. When
sorted by group, the individual results for each
answer option are displayed, group-by-group. The
groups to which delegates belong are created using
the Delegate Database Module. When sorted by
answer, a list of individual results will be given for
each answer option.
i Note
The ‘Sort by’ options are only active when
‘Individual Results’ is selected in the ‘Include’
group. Individual results cannot be sorted by
group and answer simultaneously.
To sort by group:
• Click on the ‘Sort by Group’ tick box.
To sort by answer:
• Click on the ‘Sort by Answer’ tick box.
It is possible to specify text that will appear at the
end of the printout. This could be, for example, the
name of the chairman of the congress, though any
desired text could be specified. To do so:
• Select the ‘Report Trailer:’ text box.
Text may be entered up to 80 characters long. This
text box may also be left blank.
Once you have specified all parameters:
• Click on the ‘Ok’ push button.