66 | en LTC 8600 | LTC 8800 Series
Bosch Security Systems, Inc. Instruction Manual F.01U.127.393 | 2.0 | 2009.03
17.5.2 Arm/Disarm All Alarms
Press [Alarm Control], located on the main Allegiant menu screen to enter the menu
screen containing these options. When using the IntuiKey keyboard:
• To arm all alarms currently controlled on the monitor, press [Arm All Alarms].
• To disarm all alarms, press [Disarm All Alarms].
When using the LTC 8555 Series keyboard:
• To arm all alarms, press [User]. Then, press [Alarm] and then press [ON].
• To disarm all alarms, press [OFF].
17.5.3 Arm/Disarm Monitor
When using the IntuiKey keyboard:
• Press [Alarm Control], located on the main Allegiant menu screen to enter the
screen with these options.
• To arm the monitor currently controlled, press [Arm Monitor].
• To disarm the monitor, press [Disarm Monitor].
When using the LTC 8555 Series keyboard:
• To arm the monitor, press [User]. Then, press [Monitor] and then press [ON] to
arm all alarms.
• To disarm all alarms, press [OFF].
NOTE Alarm video appears on a monitor only if the monitor is armed and the alarm is
armed for that monitor. The monitor status display (if enabled) will show
tor armed).
17.5.4 Alarms Acknowledgement
Bell [Ack] is provided so system operators can respond to alarms from the keyboard.
Press Bell [Ack] when the keyboard is beeping (due to an alarm condition) to silence
the beeper. Depending on alarm configuration programming, subsequent pressing
of Bell [Ack] either clears an alarm video from the monitors or has no effect.
17.6 Sequence Control
17.6.1 Load/Clear a Sequence
To load a previously programmed sequence to run on your monitor, press Load
Sequence [Seq], enter the desired sequence number (1 to 60), then press [Enter].
Note that loading a sequence does not automatically start the sequence running.
Since sequences may be programmed to use more than one monitor, all required
monitors must be available. If a sequence is already on a monitor, the operator who
loaded it originally (or an operator with a higher priority) is permitted to load a new
sequence on the monitor(s). Others will receive an error message.
To clear a monitor sequence, press Load sequence [Seq], then press [Enter]. Only the
operator who originally loaded it (or an operator with a higher priority) is permitted
to clear a monitor sequence. Others will receive an error message. If enabled, the
status display area of the monitor indicates the sequence number in the appropriate
location. If no sequence is currently loaded, 00 is displayed.