4 en | Installing the Recessed Camera Mount Flush Mount Ceiling Kit
F.01U.126.944 | 1.0 | 2009.04 Mounting Guide Bosch Security Systems, Inc.
2 Installing the Recessed Camera
Use this mount to install a FlexiDome IP (NWD-4xx) camera or
an AutoDome Easy Analog or IP (VEZ series) camera. The VDA-
NWDFMT can be secured to a ceiling tile or to a drywall ceiling.
The ceiling must be between 6–23 mm (.24–.91 in.) thick and
be able to support the combined weight of the camera and the
Flush Mount Ceiling kit.
Note: The table below shows the combined weight of the VDA-
NWDFMT and the following cameras:
Table 2.1 Combined weights for bracket and cameras
Item Weight Combined Weight
VDA-NWDFMT .44 kg (lb)
FlexiDome IP 1.8 kg (3.96 lb) 2.24 kg (4.93 lb)
AutoDome Easy,
IP and Analog
1.3 kg (2.86 lb) 1.74 kg (3.83 lb)
WARNING! Ensure that the ceiling can support the combined
weight of the camera and the Flush Mount Ceiling kit. If the
ceiling is not strong enough, use the VDA-NWDSKT support kit.
Refer to the next section for instructions to install the VDA-
NWDSKT support kit.