VG4 Modular Camera System Alternative Control Protocols | en 33
Bosch Security Systems, Inc. User’s Manual F.01U.133.268 | 6.0 | 2010.03
4 Alternative Control Protocols
The VG4 AutoDome supports three alternative control protocols that allows a user to send
commands and to receive information from the AutoDome. The VG4 AutoDome supports the
following protocols:
– Pelco-P
– Pelco-D
– American Dynamics (AD) Manchester
– American Dynamics (AD) Sensormatic RS-422
The VG4 AutoDome natively supports the two Pelco protocols. To use the AD Manchester or
the AD Sensormatic RS-422 protocol you must purchase a separate module. The module
contains instructions to install any additional hardware and information about additional on-
screen menus.
4.1 Setting FastAddress with Alternative Protocols
The VG4 AutoDome offers remote addressing via the FastAddress capability from a keyboard
that uses an alternative protocol. The FastAddress feature allows you to instal all domes first,
then set the addresses via the control system. Since it is not necessary to go to the camera’s
physical location, this feature makes it easier to readdress cameras at a later time.
4.1.1 Using an American Dynamics Controller
Prior to setting the FastAddress for each camera, all cameras will initially move together. After
the Unique Identifier is set, only the camera that was set with the FastAddress is capable of
sending and receiving commands. When setting the FastAddress, it is important to remember
that some American Dynamics Manchester systems use address blocks of 1 to 64, while
American Dynamics Sensormatic systems typically use address blocks of 1 to 99; meaning
that when the controller/keyboard displays video for cameras higher than 64 or 99 the
keyboard/controller sends a different control code to the camera (see Section A Appendix:
FastAddress Conversions, page 127, for conversion charts). For example at Camera 65, the
American Dynamics Manchester system sends out an address of 1, while the Sensormatic RS-
422 system with an address of 100 also sends out an address of 1.
It is NOT NECESSARY to convert these numbers with the Bosch FastAddress method. The
camera automatically detects the address being transmitted by the Sensormatic RS-422
control system and adjusts the camera accordingly.