
The bread didn’t
rise at all
The dough looks
like batter, or the
dough ball is still
sticky, not smooth
and round
The dough ball is
lumpy or too dry
Possible Solutions
Make sure yeast is not left out. Also check the date code
on the yeast and that it is always the last ingredient put
into the Pan. Make sure the yeast doesn’t come into
contact with salt or any liquid ingredients.
During the Kneading process, add 1 tablespoon of flour at a
time, letting it mix in well. For most breads, your dough ball
should become round, smooth, not sticky to the touch, and
should bounce back when you press it with your finger.
During the Kneading process, add 1 tablespoon of water at a
time, letting it mix in well.
The bread caved in Make sure liquids are measured correctly. Next time,
reduce your liquids by 2 tablespoons. If you’re using fruits
or vegetables, make sure they are well drained.
:END: displays The Baking Cycle is completed.