
CHAPTER 4 HP-GL/2 - 33
LT - Line type selection
LT [, n [, p [,m ]]] [;]
n ; Line pattern number
p ; Line pattern length (percentage or millimeters of distance between P1 and P2)
m : mode
This command specifies the line pattern for use when drawing lines with the vector group commands.
n defines the line type to be used. n is either in the range -8 to 8 or is 99.
Values of n from 1 to 8 specify a line type (as defined with the UL command) and use a fixed pattern length.
Any residual part of the pattern not used on a particular drawing operation is stored and used at the start of
the next line drawn.
Values of n from -1 to -8 specify a line type (as defined with the UL command) and use an adaptive pattern
length - that is, the pattern is scaled so as to fit one or more complete patterns into the line.
If n is 0, a dot is placed at the (X, Y) coordinates specified with any vector commands used.
p, the pattern length, specifies the length of one complete pattern, either as a percentage of the distance
between P1 and P2 or in millimeters. The unit system used is determined by the mode setting. If the length
is omitted, the printer uses the most recently specified pattern length.
If a zero or negative pattern length is specified the command is ignored.
m, the mode, defines whether the pattern length parameter, p, is interpreted as a reading in millimeters, (m=1),
or as a percentage of the distance between P1 and P2, (m=0). If no mode number is included in the
command, the most recently specified mode is used.
LT99; restores the previous line type (and, if it is a fixed line type, the residue), provided that the current line
type is solid and that the pen position is the same as it was when the current, solid line type was selected.
An LT command remains in effect until another LT command is issued, until the default settings are restored
with the DF command or until the printer is initialized with an IN command.
If no parameters are specified the line type is set to be solid. The previous line type, pattern length and
any line residue are saved.
10 ' - Line Type -
20 WIDTH "LPT1:", 255
30 LPRINT CHR$(27); "E";
40 LPRINT CHR$(27); "%0B";
50 LPRINT "IN;IP1000,1000,9000,7000;SP1;";
60 LPRINT "PA2000,7100;PDPR400,0;PU;" 'REM DEFAULT LINE = 400
70 LPRINT "LT8;PA2000,7000;PD5000,7000;PU;"
80 LPRINT "LT8,4,0;PA2000,6900;PD5000,6900;PU;"
90 LPRINT "LT8,8,1;PA2000,6800;PD5000L6800;PU;"
100 '
110 LPRINT "LT4,PA2000,6600;PD5000,6600;PU;"
120 LPRINT "LT4,4,0;PA2000;6500;PD5000;6600;PU;"
130 LPRINT "LT4,10,1;PA2000,6400;PD5000,6400;PU;"
140 '
150 LPRINT "LT0;PA2000,6300;PD5000,6200; PU;"
160 LPRINT "LT0,4,0;PA2000,6100;PD5000,61000;PU;"
170 LPRINT "LT0,10,1;PA2000,6000;PD5000,6000;PU;"
180 '
190 LPRINT "LT-4;PA2000,5800;PD5000,5800;PU;"
200 LPRINT "LT-4,4,0;PA2000,5700;PD5000;5700;PU;"
210 LPRINT "LT-4,10,1;PA2000,5600;PD5000,5600;PU;"
220 '
230 LPRINT "LT-8;PA2000,5400;PD5000,5400;PU;"
240 LPRINT "LT-8,4,0;PA2000,5300;PD5000,5300;PU;"
250 LPRINT "LT08,10,1;PA2000,5200;PD5000,5200;PU;"
260 '
270 LPRINT "LT99;PA2000,5000;PD5000,5000;PU;"
280 LPRINT CHR$(27); "%0A";
290 LPRINT CHR$(27); "E";
300 END
<Sample 41>